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The Good Grief Collective.

Loss and Grief are about all the human emotions caused when all we are familiar with changes. - The Grief Recovery Method

Hi! I'm Courtney, grief worker, movement practitioner and founder of the Good Grief Collective.


If there are two things I have learned about grief over the years its that movement is medicine for grief and grieving in a community of other grievers is so magical.


We will all make an acquaintance with grief and loss sometime in our own human experience. Your experience will be your own, your grief journey is your own but you don't have to go through it alone. 

What if I told your there is something so incredibly special about grieving in a community that is there to witness you, hear you and hold a safe space for you to process your own grief and loss.


It is our presence for each other that is so special. We do it all the time. We celebrate special occasions and lift each other up all the time (weddings, birthdays, exciting life changes)... Shouldn't we be present during some of the hardest times too? It's time to shift our mindset. 


If you are looking for a community where:

*its ok to talk about grief

*it is safe (and encouraged) to check in with yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually 

*you can use modalities like movement, journaling, meditation, art, and tools to help regulate your body and to help process where you are in your own human experience

*the belief that there is no one size fits all approach to grief ​

*we believe you can turn the loss we experience to positive lasting change

Then The Good Grief Collective is for you.

Support Offerings

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8 Week Resurgence

Starting March 1st

In 8 weeks you will: 

- Explore loss and the impact it's had on your life

- Establish a weekly movement & yoga practice

- Experience 2 Embodied Art Experiences

- Participate in the Mindful Grieving Series

- Participate in the Grief Recovery Method

- Have the opportunity to create life long friendships with other grievers.

- Have the experience to turn your grief into profound and lasting change in your life.

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Grief Work Testimonials 

I knew this program was going to change my life as I was filling out the intake form. What I thought would be generic, common questions about me and those I’ve lost was a survey that forced me to look more closely at the varying degrees and types of loss I have encountered and endured throughout my life. It is more than processing death. Even though I originally thought that’s what I’d be doing as my grandfather passed two weeks before, Mindful Grieving gave me an opportunity to sit with myself and face the details of my life that I had either not faced or ignored. I learned that it’s okay to not be “fine” all the time and that in order to overcome grief and loss, I must first face it, process it, and accept it in order to grow and move on. I am truly grateful for this opportunity.

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